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Our Team: Rancy Zhang

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A staple in the Chinese media, Rancy Zhang has transitioned over to Public Relations and Digital Marketing. She brings with her years of experience in broadcast television, print and online media. Rancy uses her creativity to help bridge the gap between clients and the Chinese community. We recently sat down to get to know her a little better and her thoughts on becoming a PR professional.

How did you get into PR and what do you love about it?
I was working in media before I crossed over to PR . It has allowed me the opportunity to interact and work with PR professionals, making it smoother to transition into PR. I feel it’s a really interesting career for me -I can work with different clients with different projects all at the same time. Using my experience and rancyzhangthextonprexpertise to help my clients build their brand is a huge accomplishment for me.

You help Thexton PR with Chinese PR and reaching Chinese language media, bloggers and influencers. What are some of the differences between approaching Chinese media vs. English media a as PR pro?
Since the Chinese community is quite unique, I feel that they care much more for the larger picture rather than daily and local community news. Besides Canadian news, they care for global development trends and how it will effect China. Food and lifestyle is not their priority.

What is the biggest challenge you are currently facing in your PR role?
Technology! It affects me a lot, especially now in PR. Each day I spend more time than ever monitoring and learning news from all over the world thanks to social media. As a Digital and PR Consultant, I always want to learn and evaluate whether the latest platforms, technology or influencers can help my clients – this takes a good chunk of my time.

What is one prediction for the PR industry in 2016?
PR will rely more on social media than traditional media.  Businesses who are conscious of the need for PR will have far more business and those who can can market themselves well will become influencers.
