22-Digital content creators, writers, and podcasters Evan Berger and Kevin Laferriere.
TheDumbDads – stay-at-home-dads producing funny and relatable online parenting content that have over 1 million followers feeling better about the everyday challenges of raising kids!

21-Troylana Manson joins me for discussion around her son Aaron’s passing, changing drug policy, prevention, education,and more.

20-Nira Arora- media personality and co-host of Virgin Radio Vancouver’s morning show- Holly & Nira joins me.
Unscripted radio, questioning your news consumption, and a commitment to visible minorities and local nonprofits.

19-Sybil Mecas-ACCESS empowers Indigenous youth living in Greater Vancouver
Sybil Mecas personal story highlights resilience, determination, and the transformative impact of community-based initiatives. Join us as we explore how ACCESS empowers Indigenous youth living in Greater Vancouver through education, training, and employment opportunities.

18-Aboriginal Community Career Employment Services Society (ACCESS) CEO Lynn White
Lynn speaks to supporting Vancouver Indigenous People with education and training-in addition to vital supports such as incorporating cultural components into their programming and providing an Indigenous team to support Indigenous People.

17-Photography, People, and Passion- News from BC’s fastest growing city.
Multimedia Journalist Anna Burns discusses her career journey, journalism perspectives, and love for community news, having started as a communicator in East Africa and currently a busy reporter and photographer at Surrey Now Leader.

16-Sachin Latti- Former law enforcement officer
Former law enforcement officer, now an advocate for mental health challenges faced by those serving our communities, tells his story and details his plan to create change.

15- Duncan Wlodarczak-Chair of Urban and Institute BC-ULI BC
He has his finger on the pulse of Vancouver and the passion to support our city in any way that he can.

14-A Leading Digital News Voice- My discussion with Darcy Matheson, Editor-In-Chief of Vancouver-born Daily Hive.
As valuable traditional news continues to see layoffs and downscaling within the industry, Canada’s fastest growing digital news platform Daily Hive just set up shop in their eighth North American market, Victoria BC. Darcy Matheson spent most of her career working in top broadcast news jobs before taking on the role of leading content for the digital success story. Hear more about Darcy’s journey, why she feels that Daily Hive continues to resonate amongst Canadians, how she navigated the site through rough waters, and more. Enjoy!

13-A Discussion on Diversity, Community, and Vancouver’s Fun City Features
I discuss a variety of though-provoking, insightful, and entertaining topics, with a heart-led community leader who is passionate about Vancouver.
Enjoy this discussion with Lorraine Lowe- Executive Director of Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden.

12-The Honourable Ravi Kahlon, Minister of Housing, listens carefully in unexpected places and remains calm, but determined, in one of BC’s toughest jobs.
We discuss engagement, public consultation, how he develops new ideas and potential solutions, and more about the man himself.
Minister Kahlon even answers a question or two that he has never been asked before—always my goal with a guest who is required to speak about his work frequently. Enjoy new insight from a professional who is no stranger to front page news. Tune in for this unique conversation with The Honourable Ravi Kahlon, Minister of Housing.

11-A Conversation All Canadians Should Hear
Wade Grant.
During this episode, I spoke with Wade Grant, Musqueam Indian Band community leader, Intergovernmental Affairs Officer to the Musqueam First Nation, and Board Chair for the First Nations Health Council. Wade shares knowledge, stories, perspectives, and his personal story. I ask questions that many are likely wondering about and Wade’s answers may both surprise and enlighten you. Don’t miss this meaningful conversation that all Canadians should hear.

10-BC digital content creator Jon Wiebe of TheRoadToDapper provides relatable content that few are offering.
In my chat with local digital influencer/content creator Jon Wiebe, we discuss Jon’s uncommon, yet dynamic, content. Jon has been transparent and authentic about a variety of issues that men experience, yet talk less about, such as style for the “average guy size”, lifestyle, inclusivity, and neurodiversity. This digital content creator has meaningful and fun content, mixed with a smart and intentional strategy for connecting online. I enjoyed getting to know the man behind the dapper style.

09-A woman who makes her own opportunities and is working towards a childhood declaration of being, “The next Connie Chung”. Global News BC reporter Angela Jung joins me to talk broadcast news.
From diversity in the newsroom to challenging her own beliefs, and working hard to present the facts as a journalist, Angela Jung tells me about life in broadcast news and what brings her joy as a reporter. Angela’s favourite stories are court and legal pieces and she describes receiving early advice to take voice lessons to lower her voice pitch. Angela shares details that provide a glimpse behind the scenes of life working in TV news. This is an inspiring and informative episode with a kind and ambitious journalist.

08-Raided, Arrested, and he Refuses to Back Down-Dana Larsen of Vancouver’s Medicinal Mushroom Dispensary Discusses All.
Recently, Dana Larsen’s Medicinal Mushroom Dispensary was raided, and he was arrested by the Vancouver Police Department. Dana was soon back in business selling products to a variety of BC residents, and beyond. Dana describes psychedelic mushrooms, details other products he sells, what they are used for, and stresses the importance of GetYourDrugsTested.com, a free community service that he founded in 2019. We discuss Canada’s drug policies, Dana’s story, and his extensive history advocating in the space. This episode provides thought-provoking ideas about Canada’s approach to a variety of drugs.

07-Real Estate Professional Ameet Johal Talks Industry Dynamics, Success in the Space, and her Story.
Junction Co. Principal Ameet Johal joins me for a candid chat. We discuss working with clients, while maintaining your authentic identity, topics around gender and diversity, achieving success as a business owner, as well as what she has learned from mentors, and what she offers her clients while helping them to stand out as they create value for communities.

06-Canada’s “Hidden Killer” that Few Want to Talk About.
Bestselling author, psychotherapist, and former journalist Ann Dowsett Johnston discusses alcohol in Canadian culture, her personal experiences with drinking, and her book, Drink-The Intimate Relationship Between Women and Alcohol. Ann and I talk about how things were in years past, current realities, and how the pandemic changed things for families. We discuss government policy, how alcohol is marketed to females from an early age, and more about alcohol, much of which you likely didn’t know. I hope this episode makes you re-consider alcohol in relation to other drugs.

05-A Journalist and Writer with a story of her own to tell- Kerry Gold joins me.
A veteran journalist who writes about homes, once a music critic who interviewed Ray Charles, a woman with multiple books under her belt, and someone who adores animals, there is more to Kerry Gold than the popular Globe and Mail housing pieces that many anticipate weekly. I get to know Kerry more as we discuss her story and her work. Enjoy this episode about the journalist and writer herself.
04-“A Good Martial Artist is Never Looking for a Fight”- The Focus and Discipline that’s a part of Siddhartha Bhat’s Story.
Master Martial Artist, and Team Canada Taekwondo Veteran, Siddhartha Bhat tells his story of starting martial arts as a child, spending the first months of training being disciplined for poor behaviour, and soon realizing his passion for fighting. At one point, this athlete claimed a spot amongst the top #10 in the world. From physical discipline to mental focus, we also discuss why he stopped competition, how taekwondo can help with mental health and self protection, and how he walks around Vancouver with his cat relaxing on his shoulder. This unique episode inspired me to move and make some changes to my physical and mental health.
03-Mark Haden has been working with those who have mental health and substance use challenges for decades. Now a UBC Professor, researcher and Clinical Supervisor at Qi Integrated Health, Mark Haden tells me about using ketamine to help those with depression and PTSD, while emphasizing the benefits of psychedelic drugs. Mark recommends taking a wise approach to drugs while minimizing their harms and maximizing their benefits. We discuss his realization that there has not been effective treatment in mainstream medicine for those with mental health challenges, question the ineffectiveness of anti-depressants, and alcohol dependency and trials he is working on that could change how it is treated. This conversation presents detail on evidence-based treatments that could turn the mental health and substance use disorder treatment field on its head. Maybe that’s what we need?
02-Mo Amir- Host and Creator of This Is VANCOLOUR.
Mo Amir is the creator and host of This is VANCOLOUR, originally solely a podcast, and now also a culture and politics TV talk show on CHEK. Mo is on the other side of the discussion as he shares more about himself, his journey to television, his approach to interviews, and even some behind the scenes stories that will surprise you. We discuss the local digital space, podcasting, interviewing styles, and some of his guest experiences. Enjoy!
01-Discussion with BC’s Chief Coroner Lisa Lapointe– Speaking with Lisa Lapointe was not only a pleasure, but also incredibly informative. BC’s Chief Coroner shares details on what she and her team do, what they have observed regarding deaths in British Columbia, as well as thoughts and advice for the province on preventing future deaths, especially those related to drug toxicity. This is a conversation that I will never forget, and I am grateful that I have the opportunity to share it with you all.