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Case Study

Thexton PR Principal Rachel Thexton’s Podcast Rachel Thexton Connects Profiled on

One-year in, and almost thirty in-depth discussions complete, podcast Rachel Thexton Connects was profiled this week by Vancouver digital news website While featuring top journalists and digital leaders, along with guests providing… Read More »Thexton PR Principal Rachel Thexton’s Podcast Rachel Thexton Connects Profiled on

Diversity and PR

BC companies must prioritize the province’s multicultural demographics. PR consistently evolves. Professional development, research, and recognizing the changes in how people consume news, and share information, are critical for ongoing… Read More »Diversity and PR

PR and ROI

Are companies missing out due to a lack of understanding of PR’s value? Rachel Thexton-Principal, Thexton PR Senior executives like data, sales increases, and clear metrics related to what is… Read More »PR and ROI